[4]中国核电工程有限公司模块式小型堆 ACP100 科研项目主控室非能动应急冷却通风制冷系统及设备研发;
[8]北洋化工新建厂区 14 万平米供暖方案优化研究。
[10]Mainland-Hong Kong Joint Symposium 2015。
[11]1st Internation Symposium on Bio-Energy and Environment (BEE 2017)。
1、第一作者, Applying a novel extra-low temperature dedicated outdoor air system in office buildings for energy efficiency and thermal comfort, Energy Conversion and Management 2016,121:162-173. 中科院一区Top,2016年IF: 5.589)
2、第一作者, Modelling of AQI related to building space heating energy demand based on big data analytics, Applied Energy 2017, 203: 57-71. (中科院一区Top,2016年IF: 7.182)
3、第一作者, Analyzing the impact of heating emissions on air quality index based on principal component regression, Journal of Cleaner Production2018, 171: 1577-1592. (中科院一区Top,2017年IF: 5.651)
4、第一作者, Li H, You S, Zhang H, et al. Analysis of the impacts of heating emissions on the environment and human health in North China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019, 207: 728-74 (中科院一区Top,2017年IF: 5.651)
5、第一作者, nvestigating the environmental quality deterioration and human health hazard caused by heating emissions Science of The Total Environment 2018, 628: 1209-1222. (中科院二区Top,2016年IF: 4.90)
6、第一作者, Developing a novel dedicated outdoor air system (DOAS) for energy efficiency and environmental health, Proceedings of Mainland–HongKong Joint Symposium 2015: Building Technologies – An Epoch of Enlightenment, Harbin, China, June. (2015) 26–27. (会议论文)
7、第四作者,A survey of district heating systems in the heating regions of northern China, Energy, 2014, 77: 909-925.(中科院二区,2014年IF: 4.844)
8、第四作者, A simplified model for evaluating the energy saving potential of adopting demand controlled ventilation in office buildings in Hong Kong, Indoor and Built Environment, 2018, 27(1): 47-58.(中科院四区,2016年IF: 1.181)