聂昌达,副教授、硕士生导师,河北工业大学元光学者。主要围绕功能型相变材料研发及其储热和电池热管理相关研究。近年来在International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,Applied Thermal Engineering,Energy Conversion and Management等本学科领域国际期刊发表SCI论文20余篇,授权发明专利4项;主持国家自然科学基金,河北省自然科学基金,河北省教育厅青拔项目,中国博士后科学基金面上项目,参与国家重点研发子课题、行业和地方标准的制定等。
1. 教育工作经历
2025.02 - 至今,河北工业大学,能源与环境工程学院,副教授
2. 研究方向
[1] 磁热转化功能相变材料设计
[2] 高效相变储热及热管理技术
[3] 流动传热强化技术
3. 近年来主持和参与项目
[1] 国家自然科学基金青年项目:52406085,基于磁热转换的多孔复合材料相变储热过程传热特性及其调控机理,2025-2027,在研,主持
[2] 国家重点研发计划子课题,2018YFB0605902,煅烧系统能质/时序调控及关键装备技术,2018-2021,结题,参与
[3] 锂电池正极材料单位产品能源消耗限额及计算方法国家行业标准制订,2019-2020,结题,参与
4. 近五年代表论文
[1] C. Nie, Z. Chen, H. Li, X. Liu, J. Liu, Z. Rao, Petal-shaped fin configurations for enhancing phase change material solidification in a horizontal shell and tube thermal energy storage unit, Journal of Energy Storage. 113 (2025) 115685.
[2] C. Nie, X. Liu, Z. Rao, J. Liu, Discharging performance evaluation and optimization of a latent heat thermal energy storage unit with helm-shaped fin, Applied Thermal Engineering. 236 (2024) 121595.
[3] C. Nie, Z. Chen, X. Liu, H. Li, J. Liu, Z. Rao, Design of metal foam baffle to enhance the thermal-hydraulic performance of shell and tube heat exchanger, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer. 159 (2024) 108005.
[4] J. Liu, Y. Xiao, C. Nie*, Pore-scale study of melting characteristic of phase change material embedded with novel open-celled metal foam, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 228 (2024) 125634.
[5] C. Nie, S. Deng, J. Liu, Z. Rao, Performance evaluation of shell-tube latent heat storage unit using nanoparticles with cascaded concentration, Journal of Energy Storage. 62 (2023) 106892.
[6] C. Nie, S. Deng, J. Liu, Z. Rao, Nonuniform concentrated nanoparticles enhancing melting of phase change materials in vertical shell-tube storage unit with annular fins, Journal of Energy Storage. 72 (2023) 108254.
[7] J. Liu, P. Hu, Z. Liu, C. Nie*, Enhancement effect of T-shaped fins on phase change material melting in a horizontal shell-and-tube storage unit, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 208 (2023).
[8] J. Liu, Z. Liu, C. Nie*, Y. Li, Design of combinational fins for a vertical shell-tube latent heat thermal energy storage unit, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer. 146 (2023) 106921.
[9] C. Nie, J. Liu, S. Deng, Effect of geometry modification on the thermal response of composite metal foam/phase change material for thermal energy storage, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 165 (2021) 120652.
[10] C. Nie, S. Deng, J. Liu, Y. Li, Numerical investigation on latent heat storage enhancement using a gradient-concentration nanoparticles phase change material, Applied Thermal Engineering. 197 (2021) 117360.
[11] C. Nie, J. Liu, S. Deng, Effect of geometric parameter and nanoparticles on PCM melting in a vertical shell-tube system, Applied Thermal Engineering. 184 (2021) 116290.
[12] J. Liu, Z. Liu, C. Nie*, Phase transition enhancement through circumferentially arranging multiple phase change materials in a concentric tube, Journal of Energy Storage. 40 (2021) 102672.
5. 授权专利
[1] 聂昌达,吴志民,王志科,等.一种喷雾旋转蒸汽发生器: CN201610225227.5. 发明专利
[2] 刘江维, 王有栋, 邓双艳, 聂昌达,等. 多级喷射式分子筛纯化器. CN202210364609.1. 发明专利
[3]叶为标,李聪,聂昌达,等.一种均匀送风的低流动阻力管道装置及设计方法. CN201810253219.0. 发明专利
[4]吴淑英,聂昌达,王有栋.旋风分离式升膜纯蒸汽发生器: CN201621129029.0. 实用新型专利