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发布时间:2017-11-14 05:30


姓    名

王进 (Dr. Jin Wang


副教授 (Associate Professor),硕导


Jin.wang@hebut.edu.cn,   022-60435781

  研究方向: 复杂结构多尺度多相流传热传质问题

1. Advanced technologies in gas turbines (燃气轮机先进技术)

2. Heat transfer in multiphase flow (多相流中传热问题研究)

3. Applications of nano-materials and phase change materials (纳米材料与相变材料应用技术)

4. Building energy technologies (建筑供能技术)




2016.09-2017.10,瑞典Lund University(QS Ranking 2016: 70th),国际访问学者;

2013.09-2015.12,清华大学(QS Ranking 2015: 25th),动力工程及工程热物理博士后流动站,博士后/助理研究员;


2012.06-2012.09,瑞典Lund University(QS Ranking 2012: 71st),国际交流生;





第一届“Latin American Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems”国际会议;

第14届“Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems”国际会议科学顾问委员会(Scientific Advisory Board)成员;

第12届 “Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems” 葡萄牙里斯本举办的国际会议“Heat and mass transfer modelling”分会主席(Co-chair);


SCI一区期刊《Energy Conversion and Management》2016年度“评审人杰出贡献奖”;

SCI一区期刊《Applied Thermal Engineering》2015年度“评审人杰出贡献奖”;






美国机械工程师协会会员(ASME member);



Energy Conversion and Management、Applied Thermal Engineering、Heat Transfer Research、International Journal of Thermal Sciences、Nuclear Engineering and Technology、ASME Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications、Journal of Porous Media、International Heat Transfer Conference(国际传热会议)等多个SCI期刊和国际重要会议的特邀审稿人;

与瑞典Lund University、克罗地亚University of Zagreb、西安交通大学、清华大学、东北大学、华北电力大学长期保持研究合作;与南瑞集团(原国网电科院)、首钢集团长期进行技术交流。


1. 985、211、应届生源优先;













  1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,51606059基于沉积附着模型与热障涂层耦合传热的燃气透平综合冷却特性的机理研究,2017/01-2019/12,20万元--负责人
  2. 西安交通大学热流科学与工程教育部重点实验室开放基金课题重点资助项目KLTFSE2018KFJJ01,微尺度颗粒沉积过程传热机理与预测模型研究,2018/12-2020/11,8万元--负责人
  3. 河北省自然科学基金青年基金项目,E2016202266,基于热障涂层表面沉积的燃气透平气膜冷却特性的研究,2016/01-2018/12,4万元 --负责人
  4. 河北工业大学优秀青年科技创新基金项目,2015004,基于热障涂层失效的耦合传热气膜冷却特性的机理研究,2015/12-2017/12,20万元 --负责人
  5. 中国博士后科学基金56批面上资助项目,2014M560966,基于无网格法的燃气透平叶片流固热耦合问题的研究,2014/09-2015/12,5万元 --负责人
  6. 天津市博士后创新项目择优资助项目(天津市人社局,2013年度),2013-27,机动车前照灯双灯同检检测仪,2012/12-2014/10,3万元 --负责人
  7. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,51276093,高精度间断Galerkin方法及其在叶轮机械内部流动与传热模拟中的应用研究,2013/01-2016/12,80万元 -- 主要承担者
  8. 国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作与交流项目,51110095,高温换热单元能质传递强化及可靠性机理研究,2012/01-2016/12,320万元–参与者
  9. 国家“973计划”项目“燃气轮机的高性能热-功转换科学技术问题研究”子课题,2007CB210107,燃气轮机热端部件冷却机理研究,2012/01-2016/12,521.63万元-主要承担者
  10. 河北省自然科学基金青年基金项目,E2014202032,高温熔融盐自然对流换热机理及特性研究,2014/01-2016/12,3万元 -- 参与者
  11. 天津市科委项目,15JCTPJC60500,槽式太阳能供暖系统特性战略研究,2015/10-2016/09,5万元 -- 参与者
  12. 河北省教育厅项目,QN2015028,槽式太阳能直接蒸汽吸热管多场耦合的非均匀非稳态工作机理研究,2015/06-2017/12,3万元 --参与者




  1. Jin Wang *, Guolong Li, Hengxuan Zhu, Jing Luo, Bengt Sundén, Experimental investigation on convective heat transfer of ferrofluids inside a pipe under various magnet orientations. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019, 132, pp 407-419.  (SCI)
  2. Qianqian Li, Jin Wang *, Jakov Baleta, Chunhua Min, Bengt Sundén, Effects of gravity and variable thermal properties on nanofluid convective heat transfer using connected and unconnected walls, Energy Conversion and Management, 2018, 171(1), pp 1440-1448. (SCI)
  3. Jin Wang, Milan Vujanović, Bengt Sundén, A review of multiphase flow and deposition effects in film-cooled gas turbines, Thermal Science, 2018, 22(5),1905-1921.  (SCI)
  4. Ke Tian, Jin Wang *, Chao Liu, Jakov Baleta, Li Yang, Bengt Sundén, Effect of combined hole configuration on film cooling with and without mist injection, Thermal Science, 2018, 22(5),1923-1931.    (SCI)
  5. Jin Wang *, Ke Tian, Kai Zhang, Jakov Baleta, Bengt Sundén, Effect of spherical blockage configurations on film cooling, Thermal Science, 2018, 22(5),1933-1942.          (SCI)
  6. Sahar Abood, Jin Wang, Zan Wu, Bengt Sundén, Analysis of natural convection of Cu and TiO2 nanofluids inside non-conventional enclosures, Journal of Enhanced Heat Transfer, 2018, 25(4-5), pp 315-332.     (SCI)
  7. Jihao Gu, Jin Wang *, Chengying Qi, Chunhua Min, Bengt Sundén, Medium-term heat load prediction for an existing residential building based on a wireless on-off control system, Energy, 2018, 152, pp 709-718.       (SCI)
  8. Ke Tian, Jin Wang*, Chao Liu, Li Yang, Bengt Sundén, Effect of blockage configuration on film cooling with and without mist injection, Energy, 2018, 153, pp 661-670.       (SCI)
  9. Jin Wang,ianqian Li, Bengt Sundén, Ting Ma, Pei Cui, Effect of an upstream bulge configuration on film cooling with and without mist injection, Journal of Environmental Management, 2017, 203(3), pp 1072-1079.  (SCI)                                
  10. Jin Wang, Yiwei Liu, Bengt Sundén *, Ran Yang, Jakov Baleta, Milan Vujanović, Analysis of slab heating characteristics in a reheating furnace, Energy Conversion and Management, 2017, 149(1), pp 928-936.         (SCI)
  11. Jin Wang,ianQian Li, Bengt Sundén, Jakov Baleta, Milan Vujanović, Two-phase flow simulation of mist film cooling with deposition for various boundary conditions, Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A- Applications, 2017, 71(9), pp 895-909.        (SCI)
  12. Qingfei Bian, Jin Wang, Qiuwang Wang, Min Zeng, Numerical investigation of mist/air impingement cooling on rough-ribbed blade leading-edge surface, Journal of Environmental Management, 2017, 203(3), pp 1062-1071.     (SCI)                              
  13. Jakov Baleta, Matija Martinjak, Milan Vujanović, Klaus Pachler, Jin Wang, Neven Duić, Numerical analysis of ammonia homogenization for selective catalytic reduction application, Journal of Environmental Management, 2017, 203(3), pp 1047-1061.            (SCI)   
  14. Qianqian Li, Jin Wang*, Ke Tian, Chunhua Min, Bengt Sundén, Effect of an upstream unconnected bulge on film cooling, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 2017, Vol. 61, pp 223-228.           (EI)  
  15. Yiwei Liu, Jin Wang*, Wei Wang, Ran Yang, Chunhua Min, Bengt Sundén, Effect of the burner arrangement on slab heating characteristics in a reheating furnace, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 2017, Vol. 61, pp 97-102.     (EI)       
  16. Ke Tian, Jin Wang*, Zhanxiu Chen, Li Yang, Ahmed Guelailia, Bengt Sundén, Effect of hole blockage configurations on film cooling in gas turbine components, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 2017, Vol. 61, pp 229-234.         (EI)  
  17. Wei Wang, Hongwei Zheng, Jin Wang*, Yuqiong Ma, Shijie Li, Yiwei Liu, Analysis of special-purpose computer on temperature field and optimization design, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 2017, Vol. 61, pp 319-324.            (EI)                                 
  18. Jin Wang*, Pei Cui, Milan Vujanović, Jakov Baleta, Neven Duić, Zvonimir Guzović, Effects of surface deposition and droplet injection on film cooling, Energy Conversion and Management, 2016, 125: 51-58.   (SCI)
  19. Jin Wang, Pei Cui, Bengt Sundén, Ran Yang, Effects of deposition locations on film cooling with and without a mist injection, Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A-Applications, 2016, 70(10), pp 1072-1086.         (SCI)
  20. Jin Wang, Pei Cui, Bengt Sundén, Milan Vujanović, Effects of Deposition Height and Width on Film cooling, Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A-Applications, 2016, 70(6), pp 673-687.       (SCI)                       
  21. Jin Wang, Chunwei Gu, Bengt Sundén, Investigations of film cooling and its nonuniform distribution for the conjugate heat transfer passage with a compound inclined angle jet, Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A-Applications, 2016, 69(1), pp 14-30.          (SCI)
  22. Jin Wang, Bengt Sundén, Han Wu, Jian Yang, Chunwei Gu, Qiuwang Wang, Conjugated heat transfer analysis of a film cooling passage with turbulator ribs, Heat Transfer Research, 2016, 47(2), pp 89-103.       (SCI)                                              
  23. Jin Wang, Pei Cui, Liting Tian, Chunwei Gu, Qiuwang Wang, Conjugate Heat Transfer Investigation of Trenched Film Cooling Characteristics, Journal of Engineering Thermophysics, 2016, 37(2), pp 409-413.           (EI)  
  24. Pei Cui, Yiwei Liu, Jin Wang*, Chunhua Min, Yuchen Ren, Effect of trenched cone-shaped hole on conjugate heat transfer, Journal of Engineering Thermophysics, 2016, 37(3), pp 592-596.         (EI)                                                                                                                                          
  25. Jin Wang, Chunwei Gu, Bengt Sundén *. Conjugated heat transfer analysis of a film cooling passage with different rib configurations, International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow, 2015, 25(4): 841-860.    (SCI)               
  26. Jin Wang, Bengt Sundén, Min Zeng, Qiuwang Wang, Film Cooling Effects on the Tip Flow Characteristics of a Gas Turbine Blade, Propulsion and Power Research, 2015, 4(1), pp 9-22.                                
  27. Liting Tian, Bin Liu, Chunhua Min, Jin Wang, Yaling He, Study on the effect of punched holes on flow structure and heat transfer of the plain fin with multi-row delta winglets, Heat and Mass Transfer, 2015, 51(11): 1523-1536.            (SCI)                
  28. Han Wu, Jin Wang, Yining Wu, Min Zeng, and Qiuwang Wang *. Numerical study of discharge coefficient in a passage with bleeding holes & internal crossflow, 4th Asian Symposium on Computational Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow, June 2-6, 2013, Hong Kong, China, ASCHT0274                                                 
  29. Jin Wang, Bengt Sundén, Min Zeng, Qiuwang Wang, Influence of different rim widths and blowing ratios on film cooling characteristics for a blade tip, ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, 134(6), 2012, 061701            (SCI)                                    
  30. Jin Wang, Yong Yu, Min Zeng, Qiuwang Wang, Numerical research on film cooling characteristics of a single hole site at trailing edge, Journal of Engineering Thermophysics, 2012, 33(11), pp 1954-1957.               (EI)  
  31. Jin Wang, Bengt Sundén, Min Zeng, Qiuwang Wang, Effect of upstream wake on passage flow and tip film cooling characteristics, Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2012, June 11-15, 2012, Copenhagen, Denmark, GT2012-68562.                (EI/ISTP)
  32. Jin Wang, Yong Yu, Min Zeng, Qiuwang Wang. Influence of passage flow on tip film cooling effectiveness characteristics, Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2012, June 11-15, 2012, Copenhagen, Denmark, GT2012-68563. (EI/ISTP)                                                                               
  33. Jin Wang, Bengt Sundén, Han Wu, Min Zeng, Qiuwang Wang. Experimental investigation on the upstream wake flow characteristics near the blade leading edge, 5th International Symposium on Fluid Machinery and Fluids Engineering, October 24-27, 2012, Jeju, Korea                                                        
  34. Jin Wang, Min Zeng, Qiuwang Wang, Numerical research on heat transfer characteristics of a single film cooling hole site, Journal of Engineering Thermophysics, 2011, 32(10), pp 1761-1764.                                                               (EI)  
  35. Jin Wang, Min Zeng, Qiuwang Wang. Influence of different rim widths on leakage flow, Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2011, June 6-10, 2011, Vancouver, Canada.        (EI/ISTP)        
  36. Jin Wang, Dahai Zhang, Min Zeng, Qiuwang Wang. Influence of different shoulder widths on film cooling characteristics on GE-E3 blade tip, Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2010, June 14-18, 2010, Glasgow, Scotland, UK.   (EI/ISTP)



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2.  一种提高开槽孔下游横向气膜冷却效率的盖式结构(授权号ZL201510706141.X);

3.  一种提高组件外部冷却效果的上游结构(授权号ZL201510993385.0);

4.  一种新型气膜冷却开槽结构(授权号ZL201610228725.5)。


1.  提高开槽孔下游气膜冷却效率的盖式结构(授权号ZL201520837160.1);

2.  提高组件外部冷却效果的上游结构(授权号ZL201521095360.0);

3.  一种提高气膜冷却效率的结构(授权号ZL201620299735.3);

4.  一种空调外机废热利用装置(授权号ZL201621138008.5);

5.  一种提高下游冷却效果的孔型结构(授权号ZL201720008263.6);

6. 燃煤锅炉烟气细颗粒物的脱除装置及工艺(授权号ZL201610068682.6)。




版权所有:河北工业大学 能源与环境工程学院 地址:天津市北辰区西平道5340号 [300401]