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一 基本信息

孙丽,副教授,博士生导师。主要从事污水处理与资源化等水污染控制技术与理论的研究工作。在Water ResearchChemical Engineering Journal 等环境领域权威期刊发表论文30余篇。欢迎具有环境、化学、生物学等相关背景的学生报考博士、硕士研究生!联系方式:sunli_0502@126.com

二 研究方向

1 膜法污水处理与资源化

2 低碳型生物处理系统构建

3 特殊废水定向净化技术

三 教育经历



四 工作经历

2023.01至今 河北工业大学,能源与环境工程学院,副教授



五 科研项目









六 科研成果


  1. Li Sun*, Zijia Bai, Quan Yang, Ruiyao Fu, Huixue Li, Xianhui Li*. In situ assessment of the initial phase of wastewater biofilm formation: Effect of the presence of algae in an aerobic bacterial biofilm system. Water Research. 2024, 253: 121283. 1TOP
  2. Li Sun, Xinbo Yue, Guangming Zhang*, Aijie Wang*, A pilot-scale anoxic-anaerobic-anoxic-oxic combined with moving bed biofilm reactor system for advanced treatment of rural wastewater. Science of The Total Environment. 2024, 933, 173074. 1TOP
  3. Zhijun Ren, Huixue Li, Peng Sun, Zijia Bai, Guangming Zhang, Li Sun*, Yanjie Wei*, Development and challenges of emerging biological technologies for algal-bacterial symbiosis system: A review. Bioresource Technology. 2024, 413, 131459. 1TOP
  4. Jinlong Han, Jianna Jia, Xiangjia Hu, Li Sun*, Mathias Ulbricht, Longyi Lv, Zhijun Ren*. Effect of magnetic field coupled magnetic biochar on membrane bioreactor efficiency, membrane fouling mitigation and microbial communities. Science of the Total Environment, 2024, 931, 172549. 1TOP
  5. Zhijun Ren, Ruiyao Fu, Li Sun*, Huixue Li, Zijia Bai, Yu Tian, Guangming Zhang*. Unraveling biological behavior and influence of magnetic iron-based nanoparticles in algal-bacterial systems: A comprehensive review. Science of the Total Environment. 2024, 915: 169852. 1TOP
  6. Jinlong Han, Xiangjia Hu, Li Sun*, Qiuwen Wang, Mathias Ulbricht, Longyi Lv, Zhijun Ren*. A novel γ-Fe3O4-N-BC combined membrane bioreactor for wastewater treatment: Performance and mechanism. Separation and Purification Technology 2024, 336: 126330. 1TOP
  7. Yongjia Lei, Hongyu Zeng, Ravi Naidu, Dong Tian, Li Zhao, Mei Huang, Jinsong He, Jianmei Zou, Shihuai Deng, Li Sun*, Fei Shen*. Experimental and numerical investigation on the effect of frequency combinations on PFOA defluorination by dual-frequency ultrasound coupling persulfate. Environmental Technology and Innovation. 2024, 34, 103598.2TOP
  8. Zhijun Ren, Siyang Wang, Qiuwen Wang, Longyi Lv, Dongyi Lin, Jinlong Han, Mathias Ulbricht, Li Sun*, Xiaoyang Liu*. Moderate KMnO4/Fe(II) pre-oxidation for membrane fouling mitigation in algae-laden water treatment. Separation and Purification Technology 2023, 314: 123612. 1TOP
  9. Li Sun, Yu Tian*, Hui Li, Qiong Wang. Fouling potentials and properties of foulants in an innovative algal-sludge membrane bioreactor. Environment International 2021, 151: 106439.1TOP
  10. Li Sun, Jinxing Ma, Lipin Li, Yu Tian, Zhong Zhang, Huaiyu Liao, Jibin Li, Wangwang Tang, Di He*. Exploring the essential factors of performance improvement in sludge membrane bioreactor technology coupled with symbiotic algae. Water Research 2020, 181: 115843.1TOP