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1. 教育背景:






2. 工作经历:

2023.04—至今,  河北工业大学,零碳供能与环境营造研究所,所长

2022.11—至今,  河北工业大学,能源与环境工程学院,副教授

2021.09—至今,  河北工业大学,建筑环境与能源应用工程系,副主任



3. 研究方向

(1) 室内空气品质;

(2) 健康建筑营造;

(3) 低碳清洁供能;

(4) 城区综合能源应用。


4. 教学情况



5. 主要社会工作




1. 科研项目

(1) 国家自然科学基金青年项目,2022-2024,主持;

(2) 中央引导地方科技发展资金项目,2023-2025,主持;

(3) 教育部春晖计划合作科研项目,2023-2025,主持;

(4) 河北省自然科学基金青年项目,2020-2022,主持

(5) 河北省引进留学人员资助项目,2023-2026,主持;

(6) 河北省重点实验室开放基金项目,2023-2024,主持;

(7) 多项企业委托横向项目,主持。


2. 代表论文(20篇代表作)

[1]     Kong X, Guo C, Lin Z, Duan S, He J, Ren Y, Ren J*. Experimental study on the control effect of different ventilation systems on fine particles in a simulated hospital ward. Sustainable Cities and Society, 2021, 73: 103102. ESI热点论文,ESI高被引论文)

[2]     Ren J, Li Z, Cao X, Kong X. Experimental study on the application of mobile sensing in wireless sensor networks development: Node placement planning and on-site calibration. Sensors and Actuators: B. Chemical, 2025, 429: 137338.

[3]     Ren J, Men L, Cao X, Liu Y, Kong X. Analysis of multiple factors influencing the deposition velocity of fine particles onto the body surfaces of healthcare workers. Building and Environment, 2025, 270: 112546.

[4]     Shi K, Ren J*, Cao X, Kong X. Optimizing thermal comfort in an atrium-structure library: On-site measurement and TRNSYS-CONTAM co-simulation. Building and Environment, 2024, 266: 112041.

[5]     Shi K, Feng L, Ren J*, Cao X, Kong X. On-site measurement and mediation analysis of physiological parameters and thermal comfort under different outdoor microclimates in a cold region. Urban Climate, 2024, 57: 102120.

[6]     Ren J, Zhang R, Cao X, et al. Experimental evaluation of ECG signal denoising methods based on HRV indices and their application in indoor thermal comfort study under different temperatures. Energy and Buildings, 2024, 303: 113797.

[7]     Ren J, Zhang R, Cao X, et al. Experimental study on the physiological parameters of occupants under different temperatures and prediction of their thermal comfort using machine learning algorithms. Journal of Building Engineering, 2024, 84: 108676.

[8]     Hong C, Ren J*, Kong X. Experimental study on a new thermal storage tank with an embedded bionic skeleton based on inorganic hydrated salt phase change material. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2024, 243: 122599.

[9]     Ren J, Shi K, Kong X, Zhou H. On-site measurement and numerical simulation study on characteristic of urban heat island in a multi-block region in Beijing, China. Sustainable Cities and Society, 2023, 95: 104615.

[10] Ren J, He J, Novoselac, A. Predicting indoor particle concentration in mechanically ventilated classrooms using neural networks: Model development and generalization ability analysis. Building and Environment, 2023, 238: 110404.

[11] Kong X, Zhang C, Guo L, Ren J*. Operation optimization of a solar collector integrated with phase change material storage heating system. Energy and Buildings, 2022, 275: 112440.

[12] Wang L, Guo L, Ren J*, et al. Using of heat thermal storage of PCM and solar energy for distributed clean building heating: A multi-level scale-up research. Applied Energy, 2022, 321: 119345.

[13] Ren J, Tang M, Novoselac A. Experimental study to quantify airborne particle deposition onto and resuspension from clothing using a fluorescent-tracking method. Building and Environment, 2022, 209: 108580.

[14] Ren J, He J, Kong X, et al. Robustness of ventilation systems in the control of walking-induced indoor fluctuations: Method development and case study. Building Simulation, 2022, 15(9): 1645-1660.

[15] Ren J, He J, Kong X, et al. A field study of CO2 and particulate matter characteristics during the transition season in the subway system in Tianjin, China. Energy and Buildings, 2022, 254: 111620.

[16] Kong X, Ren Y, Ren J*, et al. Energy-saving performance of respiration-type double-layer glass curtain wall system in different climate zones of China: Experiment and simulation. Energy and Buildings, 2021, 252: 111464.

[17] Liu S, Liu J, Wang P, Ren J*, et al. Droplet surface exposure measurement of a large splashing oil fume in the kitchen with a fluorescent 3D microscopic passive testing method. Building and Environment, 2021, 205: 108223.

[18] Ren J, Wade M, Corsi R L, et al. Particulate matter in mechanically ventilated high school classrooms. Building and Environment, 2020, 184: 106986.

[19] Kong L, Liu J, Ren J*, et al. Experimental study on particle splash pollution from cooking with fluorescent droplets. Building and Environment, 2020, 179: 106973.

[20] Ren J, Liu J. Fine particulate matter control performance of a new kind of suspended fan filter unit for use in office buildings. Building and Environment, 2019, 149: 468-476.


3. 发明专利

[1] 任键林,石凯哲,孔祥飞。一种采用脉动热管进行热回收的整体式新风除湿一体机,发明专利。

[2] 任键林,张冉。一种基于可穿戴设备和卷积神经网络的智能空调控制系统,发明专利。

[3] 任键林,任悦,孔祥飞。一种可快速拼装的隔间式病房,实用新型专利。

[4] 任键林,白雪,阙锦昊,李会杰,王玉辉,王世超。工厂污染物监控系统V1.0,软件著作权。

[5] 任键林,白雪,阙锦昊,李会杰,王玉辉,王世超。室内供暖监测系统V1.0,软件著作权。


4. 研究生培养




张冉  2021级)一等奖学金,三等奖学金;毕业去向:天津大学读博。


李哲  2022级)三好学生,优秀班干部。

王纪龙(2023级)                滕一飞(2023级)                崔皓博(2023级)

谭然(2024级)                  薛得磊(2024级)                郑浩然(2024级)