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李宏阳,河北工业大学能源与环境工程学院副教授,硕士生导师,入选河北工业大学元光学者。主要从事高效相变储热技术及其热安全研究,已发表一作SCI论文12篇,包括Cell子刊Matter一篇。担任Energy Conversion and ManagementJournal of Energy Storage, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, Thermochimica acta等本领域知名期刊审稿人。大学生节能减排大赛网评专家。


一、          个人简介

  1. 教育背景:





  1. 工作经历:





  1. 研究领域:





  1. 联系方式:



二、          主要科研成果

  1. 近年来主持的科研项目

[1] 国家自然科学基金青年基金,5240608430万元),2025.012027.12

[2] 河北省自然科学基金青年基金,E20232021324万元),2023.01—2025.12

[3] 河北省高等学校青拔项目,BJK202405010万元),2024.01—2026.12

[4] 基于XXXXXXXX试验件加工,横向课题(125万元),2025.012025.12


  1. 发表论文

[1] Li Hongyang, Hu Chengzhi*, He Yichuan, Sun Zhehao, Yin Zongyou, Tang Dawei*, Emerging surface strategies for porous materials-based phase change composites. Matter, 2022,5:3225–3259.

[2] Li Hongyang, Hu Chengzhi*, Jiang Yanhui, Zhu Jie, He Yichuan, Hu Xianfeng, Tang Dawei*, Flexible and Leakage-Proof Sodium Alginate-Based Phase Change Composite Film for Thermal-Comfortable Application of Electronic Devices. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2023,11:10620–10630.

[3] Li Hongyang, Hu Chengzhi*, He Yichuan, Tang Dawei*, Wang Kuiming, Hu Xianfeng, Visualized-experimental investigation on the energy storage performance of PCM infiltrated in the metal foam with varying pore densities. Energy, 2021,231:121540.

[4] Li Hongyang, Hu Chengzhi*, Jiang Yanhui, He Yichuan, Tang Dawei*, Improved Body-centered Cubic Unit for Accurately Predicting the Melting Characteristics of Metal Foam Composite Phase Change Material. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2023,201:123635.

[5] Li Hongyang, Hu Chengzhi*, He Yichuan, Zhu Jie, Liu Hongsheng, Tang Dawei*, A synergistic improvement in heat storage rate and capacity of nano-enhanced phase change materials. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2022,198:122869.

[6] Li Hongyang*, Liu Zhan, Nie Changda, Duan Qian, Hu Chengzhi, Tang Dawei, Rao Zhonghao*, Thermal Effect of the Anisotropic Metal Foam on the Melting Performance of Phase Change Material: A Pore-scale Study. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 2024,159:107995.

[7] Li Hongyang, Hu Chengzhi*, Wang Huihui, He Yichuan, Hu Xianfeng, Tang Dawei, Thermal effect of nanoparticles on the metal foam composite phase change material: A pore-scale study. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2022,179:107709.

[8] Li Hongyang, Hu Chengzhi*, He Yichuan, Wang Kuiming, Tang Dawei*, Pore-scale study on Rayleigh-B´������enard convection formed in the melting process of metal foam composite phase change material. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2022,177:107572.

[9] Li Hongyang, Hu Chengzhi*, He Yichuan, Tang Dawei*, Wang Kuiming, Hu Xianfeng, Influence of model inclination on the melting behavior of graded metal foam composite phase change material: A pore-scale study. Journal of Energy Storage, 2021,44:103537.

[10] Li Hongyang, Hu Chengzhi*, He Yichuan, Tang Dawei*, Wang Kuiming, Huang Wenguo, Effect of perforated fins on the heat-transfer performance of vertical shell-and-tube latent heat energy storage unit. Journal of Energy Storage, 2021,39:102647.

[11] Li Hongyang, Hu Chengzhi*, He Yichuan, Tang Dawei*, Wang Kuiming, Influence of fin parameters on the melting behavior in a horizontal shell-and-tube latent heat storage unit with longitudinal fins. Journal of Energy Storage, 2021,34:102230.

[12] Li Hongyang*, Hu Chengzhi, Tang Dawei, Rao Zhonghao*, Improving heat storage performance of shell-and-tube unit by using structural-optimized spiral fins. Journal of Energy Storage, 2024,79:110212.

[13] Hu Chengzhi*, Li Hongyang, Tang Dawei*, Zhu Jie, Wang Kuiming, Hu Xianfeng, Bai Minli, Pore-scale investigation on the heat-storage characteristics of phase change material in graded copper foam. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2020,178:115609.

[14] Hu Chengzhi*, Li Hongyang, Wang Ye, Hu Xianfeng, Tang Dawei*, Experimental and numerical investigations of lithium-ion battery thermal management using flat heat pipe and phase change material. Journal of Energy Storage, 2022,55:105743.

[15] Xiaokai Zhang, Hongyang Li, Hongsheng Dong, Yi Zhang*, Mingrui Sun*, Yongchen Song, Thermal performance of phase change materials embedded in functional gradient triply periodic minimal surface structures, Journal of Energy Storage, 100 (2024) 113636.

[16] He Yichuan, Hu Chengzhi*, Li Hongyang, Jiang Bo, Hu Xianfeng, Wang Kuiming, Tang Dawei*, A flexible image processing technique for measuring bubble parameters based on a neural network. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022,249:132138.

[17]  He Yichuan, Hu Chengzhi*, Li Hongyang, Hu Xianfeng, Tang Dawei*, Visualized-experimental investigation on a mini-diameter loop thermosyphon with a wide range of filling ratios. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 2022,133:105973.

[18]  He Yichuan, Hu Chengzhi*, Li Hongyang, Hu Xianfeng, Tang Dawei*, Reliable predictions of bubble departure frequency in subcooled flow boiling: A machine learning-based approach. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2022,195:123217.

[19]  He Yichuan, Hu Chengzhi*, Li Hongyang, Hu Xianfeng, Tang Dawei*, Experimental investigation on air-cooling type loop thermosyphon thermal characteristic with serpentine tube heat exchanger. International Journal of Refrigeration, 2022,138:52–60.

[20] 李宏阳,胡成志,唐大伟. 梯度孔隙泡沫对不同PCM蓄热性能影响研究. 工程热物理学报vol.41, No.8.